Top 10 Live Sex Shows In Amsterdam

Some things you can only experience in Holland’s capital. Wouldn’t it be a shame to miss sex shows in Amsterdam? This unique opportunity ensures an unforgettable experience.

three women dancing on stage during a sex show

Fortunately, you have found this handy overview. Discover the very best sex shows in Amsterdam. You can find most of them in the Amsterdam Red Light District. Some elsewhere in the capital.

This piece contains detailed information about the only male strip show in Amsterdam for women. You can also read everything about Moulin Rouge Amsterdam, Casa Rosso Amsterdam, The Peep Show, 5D Porn Cinema and many other erotic venues.

1 | Moulin Rouge – Live Sex Theatre

moulin rouge amsterdam show

This Amsterdam Moulin Rouge goes a bit further than the one in Paris! In this Moulin Rouge you can expect beautiful performers getting naked. Compared to Casa Rosso, Moulin Rouge is a more intimate sex theatre. Because of the intimate setting you are always seated close to the action on stage.


We find Moulin Rouge the best sex show in Amsterdam. Not only because of the amazing shows and great location. In our opinion Moulin Rouge also has a fair price.

It’s much more affordable than Casa Rosso which charges 60 euro per ticket. Moulin Rouge sex shows are offered from 40 euro.

It’s located on the famous street – called Oudezijds Achterburgwal – in Amsterdam Red Light District and has red light windows on both sides. We believe it’s currently the best sex show in Amsterdam.

In our opinion it’s really worth a visit because you get four tantalising sex shows in one hour.

We went here and were welcomed by the friendly staff who explained the program. Inside everything is very modern and clean. We found the performers inside really professional and entertaining. Better than Casa Rosso to be honest.

This sex show includes: female (and sometimes male) stripteases, couple sex, vagina writing, banana shows, vibrators and much more! Discover Moulin Rouge Amsterdam now.


Regular ticket: 40,-


2 | Male Strip Shows In Amsterdam For Women Only

Brand new sex shows in Amsterdam

Ladies, pay attention! Until recently there were no sex shows in Amsterdam catering specifically to women. Luckily this changed with the first (and only) male strip show in Amsterdam. A perfect girls night out. Especially for hen parties!

Expect to be dazzled by some handsome and professional entertainers and strippers. This is the only sex show in Amsterdam catering to you and your female friends! The show is hosted in a great theatre hall with a buzzing atmosphere. Prepare to lose yourself in the moment!


male stripper

You can get a personal strip show from one of the performers. Step onto the stage or get the striptease at your own chair. Order some delicious drinks (wine, cocktails, etc) from the professional bar staff to cool down a little during the hot performances! The male strip show in Amsterdam starts at 22:30 pm and ends at 00:30.

It was great show with handsome guys! 😍 The bachelorette had an amazing night and enjoyed her Teaser very much 😏 My bachelor will be next year as well I think. I know how I want to celebrate!

Mrs. Karsemeijer
four men stripping on stage for female visitors
Freak me, baby!


For those that want to continue partying the organisation offers free entry to a cool dance club in Amsterdam’s centre afterwards. Book tickets for this awesome male strip show in Amsterdam.


Tickets: > 35,-


3 | Strip Club BonTon

sex show in Amsterdam

The number one strip club in Amsterdam with the competition not even coming in close. Club BonTon was founded in 2019 and Amsterdam hasn’t been the same since! The club oozes luxury with its professionally designed interior.

It’s located close to Leidseplein and next to the Heineken Experience. Expect to see some gorgeous women because this chic club won’t settle for less.

Beautiful, hot club! When I was here there was a great mix of female and male visitors. Definitely worth the money if you wanna experience a proper stripclub.

Barbara Bunsee

This exciting venue is perfect for an unforgettable night out with your friends. Professional bar staff serve quality champagne and some of the best cocktails in town. Champagnes in stock include Moët & Chandon and Dom Pérignon.

strip club Amsterdam

Besides giving great strip shows some of the girls provide the option to go upstairs with them. Only way to find out is by asking them! Outside of regular opening hours Club BonTon actually offers informative Amsterdam Prostitute Tours through their club.

A prostitute will tell you everything there is to know about sex work in Amsterdam. Learn everything about legal prostitution in Amsterdam and get educated by a real sex worker. This is a fun, informative and unique activity in The Netherlands. Let’s be honest: Where else can you do a tour like this?

Prices Strip Club

Entry: 50,-
Lap dance: 20,-
Private room experience: 300,- p/h


4 | Amsterdam 5D Cinema

sex shows in amsterdam netherlands

Prepare for the ride of your life! This isn’t your standard porn cinema but an actual 5D Porn Cinema, world’s first! And it’s located right in the heart of the Red Light District Area. 5D is a 3D movie experience with added sensory effects. Think of moving chairs, smells, wind, water and so forth. It’s fun!

Amsterdam Red Light District Street

We with here with a group of friends from Berlin. Great fun we had. We visited after a couple of beers. That made the 5D experience even more fun. It was worth the money.

Sascha Arris
5D Porn Cinema In Amsterdam
Amsterdam 5D Cinema

All the effects sync up perfectly to the pictures on screen that you’re seeing in 3D. A total immersive experience. The short erotic movie actually takes place throughout Amsterdam Red Light District area, so it’s a great introduction to the area. The whole experience lasts around 10 minutes. This a great fun experience especially with a group of friends!


Entry: 12,50


5 | Casa Rosso Amsterdam

a male and female performer during a Sex show Amsterdam - called Casa Rosso
The hottest show in town.

Amsterdam’s most famous erotic entertainment theatre. It has been arousing its visitors for over 50 years now. It’s located smack in the middle of the infamous Red Light District area. The shows inside, which feature live on stage couple sex, run in a continuous loop throughout the night and take around 60 to 90 minutes in a full cycle.


Shows in Amsterdam
One of the performers in Casa Rosso Amsterdam.

In those 60 to 90 minutes your eyes are teased and pleasured with 9 differing professional acts, four of which contain couple sex. One of those couples has actually been performing at Casa Rosso for over 16 years now so they know what they’re doing!

Me and my friend visited 3 sex shows in Amsterdam but this was definitely the best one. I enjoyed the performance of Udy & erica most. Their sex was hot to watch! It made me blush.😊

Kristina Green
pink elephant logo of Casa Rosso Amsterdam
The famous pink elephant of Casa Rosso Amsterdam

Other acts include a cigar smoking vagina, and a mistress that punishes a volunteer from the audience. There is more of course, but we won’t spoil everything for you!


Ticket: 40,-


6 | Bananenbar Amsterdam

sex shows in amsterdam today

At the Bananenbar the fruity banana takes centre stage (together with the hot strippers of-course). The banana is the main prop used by the strippers and they do unimaginable things with them! This sex show in Amsterdam is actually made up out of two separate areas: the banana club, a regular strip club and the classic Banana bar area.

Pick the classic bar if you want the Banana pussy action. You can also see some other vagina acts in the classic bar, like writing a postcard and some other unexpected moves.


Ticket: 25,-


7 | Sex Palace Peep Show

Sex Palace Peep Show in the red light district of Amsterdam

Looking for a wacky porno show in Amsterdam? Then this place is for you! Enjoy live sex on stage in a little cabin or check out one of the many sex videos.

This is actually the last peep show in The Netherlands. Rumours about the closing of the Sex Palace Peep Show have been swirling around for some time now. You are one of the lucky ones who can still visit this piece of sex shows in Amsterdam history.

Hahaha, this place is a must-see! I got here via the Amsterdam Audio Tours App I downloaded. In it, you hear the owner explaining his peep show. Also 20 other local experts do their story. This is something you can only experience in Amsterdam! Go here.

James Harrocks
Amsterdam sex shows
The Peep Shows in the Red Light District

With just a 2,- euro coin you can enter one of the many private booths and get a two minute close position to the action: live couple sex and stripteases. A booth can fit 1 or 2 people for if you want to have look with your partner. The more euros you’ll insert, the longer you can watch.

advertisement of peep show in Amsterdam showing undressed strippers and the price of 2 euro for a live show
2 euro = 2 minute peep show.

The Sex Palace Peep Show also has some old school sex video booths, leftover from the days when there was no internet porn. Watch up to 400 videos in these video booths. At this sex shows in Amsterdam you pay by the minute. Bring 2,- euro coins with you or get some change indoors.

Click play to watch inside.


Entry: 2,- euro per 2 minutes for live sex show.


8 | Hospital Bar

bachelor party amsterdam

If you have a nurse outfit fetish this is the sex shows in Amsterdam venue is for you. This is the newest strip bar in Amsterdam’s Red Light District. The interior of the place has a contemporary look and the room is set up in a spacious way.

The ambience at the Hospital bar can best be described as laid-back. Inside lap dances aren’t mandatory but expect some funny faces from the strippers if you turn them all down.


Entry: 25,- including 2 drinks.


9 | Sex Club LV

amsterdam brothels

Club LV is more of a sex club than just a sex show. Men can of course get a personal sex show in one of the private rooms at this exclusive sex club. Club LV is one of the well known sex clubs in Amsterdam and has been around for over 14 year now. We put this club on the list for those men looking for a truly intimate sex show experience one-on-one with a sex worker.

club lv Amsterdam
A part of Club LV in Amsterdam.

Club LV has a bar area where you can order any drink that you like. Whilst sipping your favourite beverage you get to talk to any of the approx. 10 sex workers are present here. Once you’ve found a match you can take it up to a private luxury bedroom for some one-on-one (or two-on-one) sex show action. Club LV is located close to the Oosterpark in the eastern part of Amsterdam.


Entry: 75,-
Private room: 300,- p/h


10 | La Vie en Proost

amsterdam stripclubs

This is a strip club that you’ll have to search for. It stands well hidden at the back of a tight alleyway right in the heart of Amsterdam’s Red Light District. We’d describe this strip club as low-end. The online reviews of this strip club not great at all. However due to its great location you still might want to check it out when your close by.

stripclub red light district amsterdam

A warning: Do not get fooled into buying really expensive drinks for the strippers. Skip this place altogether if you plan on visiting with female friends.


Entry: 5,-
Lapdance: 10,- to 20,-


So there you have it. Now you know where to find all sex shows. Are you looking for more fun things to do in Amsterdam? Click this link and get 31 great ideas.


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